Workers Compensation Accident Attorney in Aventura, FL | Dante Law Firm
If you need an Workers Compensation Accident Attorney in Aventura, you can count on the Dante Law Firm to help you get the compensation you deserve.
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Workers Compensation Accident Attorney in Aventura, FL

Milliions Recovered for our Clients
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Workers Compensation Accident Attorney in Aventura, FL

Millions of Dollars Recovered

Workers Compensation Accident Attorney in Aventura, FL

Workers Compensation Accident Attorney in Aventura“Honey, I’m in the hospital.”

If you hear your loved one say that to you, your first thought will be to make sure they are going to be okay. In the aftermath of an emergency, when they are stable, you will start to wonder what a workplace injury will mean for your family’s finances.

Workers’ compensation insurance is in place to cover medical expenses and a portion of income if you have to miss work after an injury.

But what if they don’t pay enough?

What if your claim is denied?

If you need an Workers Compensation Accident Attorney in Aventura, you can count on the Dante Law Firm to help you get the compensation you deserve. Contact us today.

Trauma Injuries

Traumatic injuries are the ones that most people associate with workplace injuries. They are the ones that stand out in people’s minds. Falls, a nail through the foot, lacerations from a knife.

A quick look at the main OSHA workplace violations shows that prevention of traumatic injuries is key:

  • Fall protection in construction violations
  • Scaffolding violations
  • Ladder violations
  • Industrial truck violations
  • Machinery and machine guarding violations

We’re glad that people are taking steps to stay safe, but we know that not all traumatic injuries in the workplace can be prevented.

We also know they aren’t the only type of workplace injury – just the most visible.

Mental Health

Mental illnesses caused by the workplace environment are also covered by workers’ compensation, but they are not as well-known. The problem with getting workers’ compensation for a mental illness is proving that the illness was caused by the work environment.

We know that there are some workplaces that are high-stress and likely to cause depression and anxiety: law enforcement, social work, hospitals, etc.

But what about other high-stress jobs like management positions in big box stores or graveyard shift convenience store clerks?

Any time a mental illness is cause by the workplace, it should be covered.

Repetitive Stress Injuries

Carpal tunnel syndrome is not the only RSI that exists. If you work in a job that causes you to turn and twist your body unnaturally, performing the same motions over and over for long periods of time, you are susceptible to a repetitive stress injury.

The problem with RSIs is that the symptoms often do not appear for a long time after starting a job. Maybe years. Proving the problems came from the work you are doing can be difficult.

But not impossible.

Your Next Steps

If workers’ compensation insurance is not offering you enough to cover all of your expenses or if your claim is denied, you need a workers’ compensation attorney in Aventura. We don’t think it is fair that you have to worry about finances after a workplace accident. Part of the agreement employers make with employees is to ensure them that an injury sustained at work will be covered. If they go back on that agreement, they should be held liable. You can contact us by clicking here or calling 305-949-2526 for a free consultation.

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