The advances in healthcare are a double-edged sword. They have greatly extended the average lifespan in the US, but these advances also mean that the average age in the US is trending upward. More and more people are going to require nursing home care as the years move on.
What is not okay, but is more prevalent than previously thought, is elder abuse.
Any abuse by a nursing home official should not be tolerated.
The CDC gets very detailed about what constitutes elder abuse, but we want to give you a quick breakdown:
Physical Abuse: the intentional use of force that results in bodily injury, physical pain, impairment, distress, or death. This includes striking with or without a weapon, beating, choking, shoving, shaking, etc.
Sexual Abuse: the worse kind of physical abuse, this includes forced or unwanted sexual interaction with an older adult.
Emotional or Psychological Abuse: includes verbal or nonverbal behavior that causes the elderly mental pain, fear, or distress. This includes behavior designed to humiliate, control, intimidate, or isolate the elderly resident.
Financial Abuse: is the illegal or improper use of the private and personal information of the elderly to gain financially. This can include stealing the elderly person’s identity or using their information to access their finances.
Elder abuse takes on many forms and often goes unreported. Often, the elderly do not even know it is happening. If they are in states of mental decline or dementia, they are especially susceptible to these kinds of abuse.
Elder abuse in the nursing home setting is so disgusting and cruel that it is hard to think about. If it happens to your loved ones, do you know what to do?
The Time To Act Is Now
After you’ve called the police to handle the initial emergency, you need to seek legal assistance. When you can contact us by clicking here or calling 305-949-2526 for a free consultation, the Dante Law Firm, P.A. will jump into action.
We want to make sure that the people responsible for the abuse of your loved one are held responsible for their actions. That means getting compensation for any injuries as well as pain and suffering damages.