Construction Accident Attorney in Aventura, FL | Dante Law Firm, P.A.
If you need a Construction Accident Attorney in Aventura because you’ve been hurt because of someone else’s negligence, contact the Dante Law Firm today.
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Construction Accident Attorney in Aventura, FL


Construction Accident Attorney in Aventura, FL

Millions of Dollars Recovered

Construction Accident Attorney in Aventura, FL

Construction Accident Attorney in AventuraThe construction workers across this country are the people we count on to keep us safe. From our homes and office buildings to our roads and bridges, construction workers are the unsung heroes of society.

They also have very dangerous jobs.

If you are a construction worker, you know there are risks. If you need a Construction Accident Attorney in Aventura because you’ve been hurt because of someone else’s negligence, contact the Dante Law Firm today.

What We Know

The construction industry saw the highest number of fatalities in Florida in 2016, the latest reporting year. Think about the many positions within the construction industry:

  • Carpenters
  • Laborers
  • Equipment operators
  • Electricians
  • Painters
  • Roofers
  • And more

Construction work is so dangerous that OSHA has come up with the “Fatal Four,” the four most common ways construction workers die:

  • Falls – 38.7 percent
  • Getting hit by objects – 9.4 percent
  • Electrocutions – 8.3 percent
  • Caught in-between items – 7.3 percent

The 2017 Bureau of Labor Statistics annual report shows us that there were nearly 200,000 construction injuries last year.

The Injuries

Injuries from construction accidents can range from minor bumps and bruises to major internal injuries. Many of these require surgery and rehabilitation to recover from. The worst injuries, spinal cord damage and brain trauma, can mean permanent disability.

Why do these accidents happen?

While we recognize that some accident are going to happen, many are preventable.

All construction companies should adequately train everyone who works for them. This means ongoing training for safety procedures around construction sites. It also means training for every single job that a worker may be asked to do.

If a construction worker is allowed to use equipment they do not have training to use, they become a danger to themselves and all of their coworkers.

If a company does not provide proper training, they should be held liable for damages and injuries that result.

Construction companies should also provide all employees with proper safety equipment for all jobs they are doing. This means proper clothing to protect them from the workplace hazards as well as respiratory equipment so they do not breathe in dangerous chemicals or dust particles.

Workplace injuries in construction can be both trauma related and internal illness related.

Any worker who has had to perform their duties without the right equipment should hold the company accountable if they are injured or become ill.

What To Do Now

If the recklessness of another person has caused you harm, don’t wait to seek out legal assistance. Workers’ compensation may not offer enough to cover all of your expenses, especially in the case of negligence.

The Aventura construction accident attorneys at the Dante Law Firm, P.A. will work to get you compensation for all of your medical expenses, lost income if you can’t work, pain and suffering damages, and punitive damages against the negligent party.

If you are disabled, we want to make sure you are compensated for all future income lost as well. You can contact us by clicking here or calling 305-949-2526 for a free consultation.

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