Workers Compensation Accident Attorney in Hollywood | Dante Law Firm
If you need a Workers Compensation Accident Attorney in Hollywood, you can count on the Dante Law Firm to fight for you. Contact Dante Law Firm today.
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Workers Compensation Accident Attorney in Hollywood,FL

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Workers Compensation Accident Attorney in Hollywood, FL

Millions of Dollars Recovered

Workers Compensation Accident Attorney in Hollywood, FL

Workers Compensation Accident Attorney in HollywoodIt doesn’t matter what kind of job you have, there are risks. Injuries happen whether you work in an office building or on an oil field, but we don’t spend our time worrying about them. Workers’ compensation insurance is in place to take care of us in the event that we get injured and have to miss work.

But workers’ compensation doesn’t always work like it should. What if you don’t get enough money? What if your claim is denied?

If you need a Workers Compensation Accident Attorney in Hollywood, you can count on the Dante Law Firm to fight for you. Contact us today.

Types of Injuries

There are many types of injuries that can happen in a workplace. Some of them are things you think about as typical workplace injuries, while others are not so typical. Let’s look at some things that can happen.

Trauma Injuries

These are the injuries people usually think about when it comes to workplace incidents. Indeed, there are many claims a year for things such as falls, tool accidents, electrocutions, vehicle accidents, and more.

The severity of these injuries can range from minor to major, but usually they are covered by workers’ compensation because there is a clear cause and result.

A lesser well-known type of workplace injury, repetitive stress injuries, are a little harder to get compensation for. This is because their symptoms usually don’t show up right away, sometimes manifesting over the course of years. While the cause is usually performing the same motion over and over again for a long time, an employer or the insurance company may say that the problems did not arise from the workplace.

Thankfully, these types of injuries are become better understood and prevented.

Mental Health

Mental health illnesses that arise due to the workplace are usually covered by workers’ compensation but can be harder to prove. There are many jobs that create high-stress environments. Many of those are readily understood as high-stress: law enforcement, social work, military, construction, etc.

Others, though, may be thought of as low-stress but are actually very pressurized. A fast food manager has a huge responsibility, as do retail store workers. Office jobs can be stressful, especially if the workplace culture is one of rewarding more production at a faster rate.

These kinds of jobs can lead to workers developing depression, anxiety, ADHD, or other mental illness.

While workers’ compensation should cover these claims, it is just as likely that a claim will be denied or someone will lose their job for reporting it.

Moving Forward

Workers’ compensation insurance is supposed to be your assurance that, if anything happens to you at work, you will be covered for medical expenses and most of your income if you can’t work. Being denied for workers’ compensation can be devastating if you have been injured. If you need a Hollywood workers’ compensation insurance attorney, turn to the Dante Law Firm. We will work to make sure you are treated fairly throughout the whole process.You can contact us by clicking here or calling 305-949-2526 for a free consultation.

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