Construction Accident Attorney in Hollywood, FL | Dante Law Firm
If you need a Construction Accident Attorney in Hollywood, the Dante Law Firm is ready to help. If someone else’s negligence has caused you harm.
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Construction Accident Attorney in Hollywood, FL


Construction Accident Attorney in Hollywood, FL

Millions of Dollars Recovered

Construction Accident Attorney in Hollywood, FL

Construction Accident Attorney In Hollywood FloridaMaybe, you got into the construction industry because that’s what your family did before you – your father or mother, maybe your grandfather.

Perhaps you’re a first-generation construction worker. No matter how you got into the business, your service is invaluable. Construction workers help keep our nation going, keeping our buildings, roads, houses, and bridges safe.

The industry is also one of the most dangerous ones to work in. Do you know what to do if you get hurt working?

If you need a Construction Accident Attorney in Hollywood, the Dante Law Firm is ready to help. If someone else’s negligence has caused you harm, you may be entitled to more compensation than insurance is offering. Contact us today.

A Dangerous Job

OSHA calls the top four ways construction workers get killed the “Fatal Four.” It is an ominous sounding phrase. The fatal four are: falls, getting struck by objects, electrocutions, and getting caught in between objects.

According to the Center for Construction Research and Training, those fatal falls account for nearly 1,000 deaths and over 18,000 injuries annually in construction.

When it comes to construction, the work environment is unpredictable. But this does not mean that most accidents can’t be prevented.

They can.

Proper Training

It doesn’t matter if a construction worker has been in the industry for 30 years or one day, construction companies should continually review safety measures with employees. Sometimes industry standards change or new equipment is introduced.

All construction workers should be trained on safety procedures regularly. They should also be trained on each and every tool they will be asked to use.

If an employee is made to work with a tool they do not know how to use properly, or made to perform a skill they are not trained at, they become a danger to themselves and their coworkers.

Proper Equipment

Many injuries on construction sites happen because workers do not have or do not know how to use their safety equipment.

Construction companies have a duty to ensure that their employees are protected against any hazard they would normally face when performing their job. This includes proper clothing, headgear, eyewear, and respiratory protections.

Failing to provide this equipment will inevitably result in an injury. This is especially important for workers who are around hazardous chemicals or materials that they could breathe in. Some illnesses do not show symptoms until years later – think about how badly asbestos has affected constructions workers in this country.

You Need Help

You know there are risks in the construction industry, but we know you expected to work in an environment with the correct equipment and the right training. If you’ve been hurt because of someone else’s negligence, whether another worker or the owner’s, you need to seek legal assistance. The Dante Law Firm will stop at nothing to ensure that you are treated fairly and get the compensation you deserve. For a Hollywood construction accident attorney, you can contact us by clicking here or calling 305-949-2526 for a free consultation.

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