Truck Accident Attorney In Opa-Locka, FL | The Dante Law Firm
Truck Accident Attorney In Opa-Locka. If you need a large truck accident lawyer in Opa-Locka, turn to the Dante Law Firm for help.
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DANTE LAW FIRMP.A.1911 NE 164th St North Miami Beach,FL33162

Truck Accident Attorney In Opa-Locka, FL


Truck Accident Attorney In Opa-Locka, FL

Millions of Dollars Recovered

Truck Accident Attorney In Opa-Locka, FL

Truck Accident Attorney In Opa-Locka FloridaSure, Opa-Locka is a smaller town, but we sure do have plenty of traffic in and around us. We know that you take steps to drive safely when you are on the roadway. We also know that you can’t control the actions of other drivers. Do you ever end up beside or behind a big truck when you are out driving?

We’re talking about large eighteen-wheeler style trucks. When something goes wrong with them, they can cause serious problems on the roadway. If you need a large truck accident lawyer in Opa-Locka, turn to the Dante Law Firm for help. Contact Truck Accident Attorney In Opa-Locka today.

The Dangers

Large commercial trucks, or “big-rigs” as you may know them, are usually perfectly safe on the roadway. Sometimes, though, accidents happen. When then do happen with these large trucks, the damages and injuries can be devastating.


The answer is simple – these trucks weight much more than regular passenger vehicles and take up more space. Think about how many big trucks you see daily: vehicle delivery trucks, cement trucks, dump trucks, garbage trucks, cargo delivery trucks, etc.

Have you thought about what would happen in an accident with one of them?

Mechanical or Tire Problems

These large trucks are usually owned by a company contracted to perform a service. The owners should regularly inspect and maintain their vehicles. If the don’t it could lead to dangerous situations on the roadway.

Imagine the brakes failing when a large truck is going down the highway.

What if a tire shreds and causes vehicles around the truck to crash?

Many large truck accidents could be avoided if truck companies do their jobs and maintain their fleet.

Driver Problems

There are state and federal regulations the dictate how long a driver can operate in a day. If they ignore these regulations, whether on their own or at the direction of a supervisor, they are putting others on the roadway at risk. If they fall asleep behind the wheel, the results could be devastating.

If a driver is driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or they are watching their phones instead of the road, they could cause an accident. All drivers should be trained and operate their vehicles with diligence.

A company should not allow inexperienced drivers on the road. They should be thoroughly trained on the vehicle they are operating. If they are not, they are much more likely to cause an accident.

What Can You Do?

Don’t wait long before you seek legal assistance after a big truck accident. The insurance companies will try to step in for a quick settlement, but this is not in your best interest. Depending on the severity of the damages and injuries, they may not offer enough to cover all of your expenses. We want to make sure you are treated fairly. At the Dante Law Firm, our Opa-Locka large truck accident lawyers will fight for you every step of the way. You can contact us by clicking here or calling 305-949-2526 for a free consultation.

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