Premises Liability Attorney In Opa-Locka, FL | Dante Law Firm
Premises Liability Attorney In Opa-Locka. Accidents are going to happen, but if they are caused by someone else’s negligence.
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Premises Liability Attorney In Opa-Locka, FL


Premises Liability Attorney In Opa-Locka, FL

Millions of Dollars Recovered

Premises Liability Attorney In Opa-Locka, FL

“I’ll be right back, I’m going to the store.”

How many times have you said that to your loved ones? Usually, you really do just go to the store and get back home with nothing happening.

But what happens if you get hurt on someone else’s property?

Accidents are going to happen, but if they are caused by someone else’s negligence, then you may need a Premises Liability Attorney In Opa-Locka, FL. At the Dante Law Firm, we have a team of attorneys ready to help you get the compensation you need to cover your expenses in the aftermath of an accident. Contact us today.

What Is Premises Liability?

Premises liability cases are personal injury cases that come up when you are injured on someone else’s property, usually when the injury is caused by negligence of some sort by the property owner.

Does the property owner have to be purposefully negligent?

No, usually the property owners of their agents (managers and employees) have not set out to cause harm. Often, these cases happen when someone fails in their duty to ensure that all hazards are fixed or properly cordoned off to prevent harm to a patron. Even if it is accidental, they can still be held accountable.


Business owners have a duty to ensure that the people who have a right to be on their property are safe. This means storing all hazardous materials away from customers and frequently inspecting and repairing all areas of the business.

One of the most common ways people get hurt at a business is through slip and fall incidents. If a spill is not properly cleaned up or if a floor is not property repaired, people can fall and seriously hurt themselves.

Parking lots are also another major area of concern. If the pavement is not even or is cracked, people can trip and fall. A parking lot that is not well-lit at night can also be hazardous.

Business owners should also provide adequate security during business hours to deter criminals from assaulting or robbing their customers.

Private Residences

Any time a private residence owner invites people onto their property, they have a duty to ensure that there are no hazards that could cause their guests harm. If there are hazards, they should repair them or properly warn guests of the possible danger. Failure to do this could result in people getting hurt.

What To Do Now

Don’t wait to seek legal help if you get hurt on someone else’s property. Certainly, don’t count on their insurance company to offer you enough money for expenses. They may even try to blame you for your own injuries, claiming they had nothing to do with it.

If a property owner’s negligence has caused you harm, we want to help you get money to cover your medical expenses, lost income if you are unable to work, as well as pain and suffering damages. When you need a premises liability lawyer in Opa-Locka, you can contact us by clicking here or calling 305-949-2526 for a free consultation. The Dante Law Firm is standing by to help.

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