When Dangerous Doctors Continue to Practice | Medical Malpractice Accident
If you have lost a loved one from a doctors’s mistake may find little comfort in that fact. Contact the Miami Medical Malpractice Accident Attorney to learn more about all of your legal options in any type of accident. Call us at 1-888-920-HURT or 305-949-2526 today to discuss your case.
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All Serious Accidents

Sep 23, 2014
When Dangerous Doctors Continue to Practice
Doctors are human beings and make mistakes like anyone else. Unfortunately, in other professions, mistakes are not as likely to result in death. Most hospitals do their best to turn serious mistakes into educational experiences for everyone through conferences, which highlight mistakes in patient management. However those who have lost a loved one from a […]
Aug 27, 2014
Patient Records
Miami Physician Faked Patient Records; State Seeking Harsh Penalties
The Florida Department of Health intends to appeal a recent decision by the Board of Medicine in the case of Miami doctor Peter V. Choy. The Board of Medicine ordered Choy to pay a $30,000 fine and serve a 6-month suspension after he falsified a patient’s record to hide his misdiagnosis of her pancreatic cancer. […]
Jul 26, 2014
brain injury
TBI in Children may have Long-lasting Consequences
Children prove to be resilient and seem to bounce back from injury at a faster rate than an adult with the same injury. However, when it comes to Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI), the opposite may be true. The pliability of a baby’s soft skull, combined with their rapidly growing brain actually puts them at a […]
Jul 23, 2014
Malpractice Lawsuits
Malpractice Lawsuits are Rarely About Compensation
When a patient is injured through the negligence of a doctor or healthcare provider, they may seek to file a Miami medical malpractice lawsuit. Yet the majority of these lawsuits are filed for more important reasons than seeking compensation. In fact, most of them go well beyond monetary awards and seek to right a wrong […]
Jul 23, 2014
Protect Your Children from Drowning
No parent wants to imagine the possibility of his or her child drowning. Yet unintentional drowning happens quickly and quietly and it can happen in the blink of an eye. Unfortunately, approximately 10 people die each day from unintentional drowning, with two being children under the age of 14. For many in Miami, summertime means […]
Jul 07, 2014
construction worker
Construction Worker Dies after Crane Collapses
A Miami construction worker was killed in Hallandale Beach when a crane toppled over at a construction site. The man, identified as 27-year-old Christopher Ricci, was working on the sea wall in the Golden Isles neighborhood when the crane fell, killing him instantly. At the moment, Hallandale Beach police authorities and OSHA are investigating the […]
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