Protect Your Children from Drowning | Miami personal injury lawyer
Contact Miami personal injury lawyer if someone you love has been involved in an accidental drowning, you need an experienced Miami Drowning Accident Lawyer on your side. Contact the Dante Law Firm, P.A. to learn more about all of your legal options. Call us at 1-888-920-HURT or 305-949-2526 today to discuss your case.
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Miami Accidental Drowning Lawyer

All Serious Accidents
| Under Accidental Drowning | Posted by Dante Law Firm, P.A.

Protect Your Children from Drowning

No parent wants to imagine the possibility of his or her child drowning. Yet unintentional drowning happens quickly and quietly and it can happen in the blink of an eye. Unfortunately, approximately 10 people die each day from unintentional drowning, with two being children under the age of 14.

For many in Miami, summertime means frequent trips to the pool, the lake, and the beach. What many do not realize is along with those frequent trips comes a major risk of a child drowning. Between 2005 and 2009, an average of 3,533 unintentional and fatal drowning’s took place, and an additional 347 individuals died from boating-related drowning accidents.

Children aged 1-4 have the highest risk of suffering a drowning accident. In an effort to keep yourself, and your loved ones safe this summer, here are some simple tips to follow.

  • Supervision is key: having a responsible adult to supervise young children while they are swimming or playing in and around the water is crucial. An adult should be within arms reach of a child at all times. In addition, the adult should have their undivided attention on the children. Activities such as playing cards, reading, or talking on the phone are not acceptable while watching young children in the water.
  • Use the buddy system: never allow children to swim alone, even at a public pool with lifeguards around.
  • Enroll children in age appropriate swim lessons: signing everyone up for formal swim lessons is a great way to help ensure that everyone knows how to swim.
  • Learn CPR: studies show that the quicker CPR is administered the better chance of survival the victim has. Take a local CPR class and learn the proper emergency techniques.
  • Install gates around swimming pools: If you have a swimming pool at home, it is crucial to install a gate that self closes and self latches. The gate should completely surround the pool area and be at least 4 feet tall.

Water safety should be a top priority in all Miami homes to ensure that everyone has a safe summer. By educating yourself, and your children, concerning water safety, you can significantly minimize your chances of drowning.

Contact Miami personal injury lawyer if someone you love has been involved in an accidental drowning in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, or anywhere in the State of Florida, you need an experienced Miami serious accident lawyer on your side. Contact the Dante Law Firm, P.A. to learn more about all of your legal options. Call us at 305-949-2526 today to discuss your case.

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