Workers Compensation Accident Attorney in Fort Lauderdale, FL
If you need a Workers Compensation Accident Attorney in Fort Lauderdale, the Dante Law Firm will be by your side. Contact us today at 786-589-8821
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Workers Compensation Accident Attorney in Fort Lauderdale, FL

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Workers Compensation Accident Attorney in Fort Lauderdale, FL

Millions of Dollars Recovered

Workers Compensation Accident Attorney in Fort Lauderdale, FL

Workers Compensation Accident Attorney in Fort LauderdaleWhy don’t more people talk about workplace injuries before they happen?

Because it’s not something people expect, and even if we do think about it, we know we can count on workers’ compensation insurance to cover us.

Until we cannot.

What happens if you get denied by workers’ compensation? Worse, what if you get fired for reporting a claim?

We know that you need help in the aftermath of a workplace injury. If you need a Workers Compensation Accident Attorney in Fort Lauderdale, the Dante Law Firm will be by your side. We want to make sure you are treated fairly and that you receive the compensation you deserve. Contact us today.

Who Is At Risk?

The simple answer is, all workers are at risk of injuries. Yes, some occupations are more dangerous than others, but accidents can happen anywhere. According to the US Department of Labor, there are the top 10 private industry occupations with the largest number of injuries and illnesses:

  • Non-construction Laborers
  • Truck drivers (tractor-trailer/heavy trucks)
  • Janitors/cleaners
  • Nursing assistants
  • General maintenance workers
  • Stock clerks
  • Construction laborers
  • Registered nurses
  • Retail salespeople
  • Light truck drivers

That is a wide range of types of jobs, showing that anyone is vulnerable.

When you think of workplace injuries, you probably think of things that are trauma related – tools slipping and causing lacerations, a cook getting burned, vehicle accidents, etc.

But major, visible traumas are not the only kind of workplace injuries.

Hidden Injuries

We know you have hear of carpal tunnel syndrome, a type of repetitive stress injury. These types of injuries do not just affect someone who types at a computer for a living. Any time a worker has to perform the same motion over and over again over a period of time can develop a repetitive stress injury.

These injuries can be more difficult to prove that they were work-related because the symptoms can take years to show up, often manifesting themselves as regular chronic pain. Pinpointing them to a workplace cause may mean a denial of workers’ compensation.

Also harder to prove, but just as debilitating, are mental illnesses that are caused by the workplace. Any time a worker is subjected to a high-stress work environment, they can develop a mental illness. Many workers report severe anxiety and depression because of their jobs. Sometimes, jobs cause PTSD symptoms in workers.

Just because a metal illness is not as visible as a traumatic injury does not mean it should not be covered by workers’ compensation.

Seeking Help

If you run into problems with a workers’ compensation claim after a workplace injury, seek out the experienced attorneys at the Dante Law Firm. We will work with you to make sure you are not treated wrongly by your employer or the insurance company.

We know that getting hurt a work can really jeopardize your family’s financial livelihood. We want to make sure you have enough money to cover your medical expenses and lost income while you cannot work. You can contact us by clicking here or calling 305-949-2526 for a free consultation.

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