Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney in Fort Lauderdale, FL | Dante Law Firm
If you need a Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney in Fort Lauderdale, then contact the Dante Law Firm today. Our team understands these injuries and cases.
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Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney in Fort Lauderdale, FL


Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney in Fort Lauderdale, FL

Millions of Dollars Recovered

Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney in Fort Lauderdale, FL

Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney in Fort LauderdaleIt can happen to anyone as they go about their daily activities. Traumatic brain injuries can be scary, though there are different levels to these types of injuries. Some are common and easily treated, while others are much more serious. Even the most common types can become dangerous, though. One thing is certain – negligent behavior on the part of other people can increase the likelihood of someone getting a hurt.

If you need a Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney in Fort Lauderdale, then contact the Dante Law Firm today. Our team understands these injuries and cases. They will work with you to get the compensation you deserve so you can focus on what really matters – healing. Contact us today.

What They Are

The CDC says that traumatic brain injuries are a major cause of death and disability in the US, contributing to around 30 percent of all injury deaths.

  • Around 150 people die every day from traumatic brain injuries.
  • Nearly 3 million people are treated in the ER annually for TBIs.

The most common form of a TBI is something we are familiar with – concussions. We are also coming to realize just how dangerous they can be for our kids.

While we like the idea of our children playing sports, we have to be aware of times when they may have a concussion. Schools and recreational leagues are implementing more policies to ensure that anyone with a suspected concussion does not get back on the field.

But what if a coach ignores the policies because they need their best player out there?

If someone suffers another concussion before the first one can heal, the damage compounds and can result in long-term problems. Schools and coaches should be overly cautious with kids who have been hurt. If they are not, they should be held liable for any injuries sustained.

Other Causes

Anytime someone receives a hard blow to the head, they run the risk of a TBI. This can come from vehicle accidents, getting hit in a fight, tripping and falling, items falling down, etc.

Often, we see TBIs from workplace accidents or from premises liability cases. Irresponsible behavior of property owners or employers can cause major brain injuries.

Domestic violence can cause traumatic brain injuries, but it often goes unreported.

Who Is At Risk?

The CDC says that rates for TBI were highest for those 75 years of age and older, but everyone is at risk.

These injuries can happen to anyone.

What You Can Do

When you suspect that someone else’s negligence has caused a traumatic brain injury, the time to seek legal assistance is now. Regardless of how minor or major the injury is, it can cost money and result in time away from work. There is no need for you to suffer financially because someone else was at fault. When you need a Fort Lauderdale traumatic brain injury attorney, turn to the Dante Law Firm. You can contact us by clicking here or calling 305-949-2526 for a free consultation.

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