Target Accident Attorney in Miami, FL | Dante Law Firm, P.A.
If you’ve been hurt and need a Target Accident Attorney, turn to the Dante Law Firm for the experience you need for a premises liability case.
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Target Accident Attorney in Miami, FL

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Practice Areas

Target Accident Attorney in Miami, FL

Target Accident Attorney in Miami, FL

Target Accident Attorney in MiamiTarget’s business is booming, with more customers than ever flocking to their stores. You may love Target, too, and when you go to a store you expect to be safe. After all, you know that managers and employees have a host of safety procedures in place to keep accidents from occurring.

But what happens when someone is negligent in their duties?

If you’ve been hurt and need a Target Accident Attorney in Miami, turn to the Dante Law Firm for the experience you need for a premises liability case. Our knowledgeable attorneys will work with you to get the compensation you deserve.

Unfortunate Accidents

There are nearly 2,000 Target stores across the country. As the company has expanded to offer groceries, patrons are heading to Target in droves. Many stores even have coffee shops and food options so you can enjoy your time there. We know you expect to be safe when you go to Target, but if a store manager or employee is negligent in their duties, you could get hurt.


Spills inside of a store are common, that’s why there are usually spill centers all around so employees can take care of them quickly. If an employee knows about a spill and fails to clean it up in a timely manner, customers could slip and fall. Even after a spill is cleaned up, if there are no “wet floor” signs, people could get seriously hurt.

Store Displays

If there is something wrong with store displays, customers could get injured. If a shelf is broken, it could cause the items on the shelf to come tumbling down on a patron. Also, many shelves are made of metal. If there are exposed sharp edges, they could cause people to get cut.


From the many items on the shelves to the cleaning supplies that are used by employees to keep the store in order, there are many chemicals that could cause harm if they come into contact with the skin. Also, many of these supplies look like candy and are enticing for children. All chemicals should be properly stored by employees.

Parking Lots

All Target parking lots should be organized and well maintained. If there is uneven pavement or broken curbs, people could trip and injure themselves. Also, all parking lots should be well lit and properly protected so customers are safe.

What To Do

It’s not something you thought would happen, but if you’ve been injured at a Target, you will certainly have questions. We know that even minor injuries can cause you to have high medical bills. If you have to miss work while you recover, the financial livelihood of your family could be in jeopardy. If you need a Target accident lawyer, the Dante Law Firm is standing by to help. Even if Target’s legal team pushes back and tries to blame you for your own injury, we will be ready to fight by your side to ensure you are treated fairly. We’ll get you the compensation you need to cover medical expenses and lost income. You can contact us by clicking here or calling 305-949-2526 for a free consultation.

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