You may actually be surprised by how often a dog bite occurs. There are over 4 million dog bites each year in the United States. Out of those, over 1 million become infected, potentially causing even more harm. Those numbers are higher than many people expect, but when you consider how many people have dogs, maybe not so surprising.
If you’ve been bitten by a dog, you know how sudden it can be. Not all bites and attacks occur the same way. Some happen because a dog is trying to protect their owner or their own puppies. Some occur when two dogs start fighting and one of their owners tries to get in between them.
What can really catch people off guard is a seemingly friendly dog that turns aggressive suddenly, often with children. Children are in more danger from a dog bite because of their size. They lack the ability to fight back or get away from the dog.
Is Anyone Liable
We understand that some dog bites may be unavoidable, but we also know that many can be prevented by simple and responsible owner practices.
If a dog owner violates municipal dog leash laws and their dog ends up biting someone, that owner may be at fault. Often, a dog owner knows that their dog does not respond well to other people or pets. Also, if a dog has a history of aggression and is still allowed to mingle with people, the owner could be held liable for any injuries it causes.
If you are bitten, you need to seek medical treatment and contact animal control. That way you can find out if that dog has a history of dog bites and the authorities can document the incident.
What To Do
After you’ve gotten treatment and reported the incident, you may need a dog bite attorney in Miramar. Medical bills can become expensive, especially if the bite requires any follow up or reconstructive surgeries. If a wound becomes infected, your life could be in danger. At the Dante Law Firm, we are ready to help you figure out your options when it comes to dog bite cases. You can contact us by clicking here or calling 305-949-2526. You don’t have to do this alone.