How Your Opioid Medication Can Turn Into A Medical Malpractice Lawsuit
Over-prescription of opioids: how to hold doctors liable? It is highly advised to seek legal advice of a Fort Lauderdale medical malpractice attorney to determine whether or not your doctor can be held responsible for your injuries caused by opioids.
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Medical Malpractice Lawyer

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May 24, 2018
medical malpractice
How Your Opioid Medication Can Turn Into A Medical Malpractice Lawsuit
Our country is in the midst of an opioid epidemic and lawmakers in Florida and all across the United States are trying to end this deadly crisis once and for all. So far, we have not seen any concrete steps to stop the ever-growing increase of opioid-related injuries, overdoses, and deaths across the nation. Fact: […]
May 03, 2018
Birth Injuries & Medical Malpractice
Birth Injuries & Medical Malpractice: How To Detect And Prevent Avoidable Birth Defects
Pregnancy and childbirth are meant to be one of the happiest and joyful experiences in a family’s life, but negligent doctors keep taking that joy away from parents by making preventable and inexcusable medical errors that result in hundreds of thousands of birth injuries every year. Birth injury statistics in the U.S.: roughly 134 out […]
Mar 31, 2017
8 Important Reasons To Have A Medical Malpractice Attorney
Sometimes it’s hard to even figure out if you’ve been a victim of medical malpractice. All of us want to believe we are in trustworthy and capable hands when tackling our medical issues. Unfortunately, medical malpractice is much more common than you might think. And it can also turn deadly. A malpractice attorney is invaluable […]
Sep 03, 2015
Changes in Medical Malpractice Backed by Florida Appeals Court
Recently, a Florida appeals court upheld the constitutionality of a change in the state’s medical malpractice laws. This change ruled, in part, that those pursuing malpractice lawsuits must waive some of their privacy rights. The three-judge panel of the 1st District Court of Appeals dealt with issues regarding a 2013 law on ex parte communications. […]
Jan 09, 2015
Anesthesia Errors Can be Deadly
Whenever you undergo a surgical procedure, an anesthesiologist will administer anesthesia to sedate you and block the pain of the procedure. The administration of anesthesia is a dangerous process that can cause serious harm if an error is made. Unfortunately, anesthesia errors do occur and the results are often life threatening and fatal. An estimated […]
Sep 23, 2014
When Dangerous Doctors Continue to Practice
Doctors are human beings and make mistakes like anyone else. Unfortunately, in other professions, mistakes are not as likely to result in death. Most hospitals do their best to turn serious mistakes into educational experiences for everyone through conferences, which highlight mistakes in patient management. However those who have lost a loved one from a […]
Aug 27, 2014
Patient Records
Miami Physician Faked Patient Records; State Seeking Harsh Penalties
The Florida Department of Health intends to appeal a recent decision by the Board of Medicine in the case of Miami doctor Peter V. Choy. The Board of Medicine ordered Choy to pay a $30,000 fine and serve a 6-month suspension after he falsified a patient’s record to hide his misdiagnosis of her pancreatic cancer. […]
Jul 23, 2014
Malpractice Lawsuits
Malpractice Lawsuits are Rarely About Compensation
When a patient is injured through the negligence of a doctor or healthcare provider, they may seek to file a Miami medical malpractice lawsuit. Yet the majority of these lawsuits are filed for more important reasons than seeking compensation. In fact, most of them go well beyond monetary awards and seek to right a wrong […]
Jul 02, 2014
Surgical Errors
Surgical Errors on the Rise
Modern technology has been responsible for some amazing medical advancements in the last several decades. It is also, however, responsible for a number of surgical errors. Surgical errors are on the rise in this country and it is due in part to our increasing dependence on technology. Researchers have found that complications associated with equipment […]
Jun 14, 2014
medical malpractice
Florida Supreme Court Set to Debate Medical Malpractice Limits
The Florida Supreme Court is set to dispute limits on damages in medical malpractice cases. This comes less than three months after they ruled that a section of the 2003 Florida medical malpractice law was unconstitutional. In particular, Justices will hear arguments regarding the 2003 Kimberly Meyers case. Kimberly Ann Meyers filed a medical malpractice […]
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