Disabled Miramar Woman Killed by Truck Driver | Dante Law Firm, P.A.
When a truck driver or trucking company’s negligence causes your accident and injuries, you need an experienced Miami trucking accident attorney on your side to fight for your rights against the large commercial trucking companies. Call Dante Law Firm, P.A. at (305) 949-2526.
DANTE LAW FIRMP.A.1911 NE 164th St North Miami Beach,FL33162
A 49-year-old Miramar woman was struck and killed last month when a semi-truck hit her while she was using her electric wheelchair. The deadly trucking accident occurred at 10 p.m. when the driver of a tractor-trailer made a turn to go southbound on University Drive near Miramar Parkway. The truck driver did not see the […]