You Just Wanted Some Milk But Got An Injury Instead
Property owners have a duty to ensure the safety of those who are legally allowed to be on their premises. That includes places like grocery stores, banks, and restaurants. If you are hurt on someone else’s premises because of the property owner’s negligence, hire an attorney.
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Miami premises liability Lawyer

All Serious Accidents
| Under premises liability | Posted by Dante Law Firm, P.A.
premises liability in Grocery Shop

You Just Wanted Some Milk But Got An Injury Instead

“Honey, we’re out of milk.”

How many times have you heard that from your spouse? While usually, it might be okay to wait until the next day to take care of it, the cake is almost ready and needs that final ingredient.

And the kids need some milk for cereal in the morning.

When you head off to the store, it should just be a simple trip. The last thing you are thinking about is getting injured, but what happens when you get to the dairy department and the rug that is in front of the eggs slips right out from under you?

You vaguely remember falling after you regain consciousness, but you know that your head really hurts. A trip to the hospital reveals a small skull fracture and a major concussion. You will need to remain there for a few days to make sure there is no excessive brain bleeding or swelling, both of which could cause permanent disabilities.

All because of a rug that should not have been there.

What Happens

Property owners have a duty to ensure the safety of those who are legally allowed to be on their premises. That includes places like grocery stores, banks, and restaurants. This also includes government run facilities like the DMV, courthouses, and the tax office. You even have the right to be safe at the local park.

One of the most common ways people get hurt it through slip-and-fall accidents. These can happen for a range of reasons:

  • Poorly maintained parking lots or sidewalks
  • Spills on the floor
  • Wet floors after mopping
  • Loose carpeting or floor boards

Any time a property owner or their agents (employees, managers, etc.) discover a potential hazard, they should take care of it immediately or cordon off the area.

Property owners should also ensure that all areas of their premises are regularly inspected and well-maintained, including shelving, benches, railings, stairs, elevators, and displays.

About Restaurants

Restaurant owners need to ensure that their staff is well-trained, particularly when it comes to storing and cooking food. If food is stored or cooked at incorrect temperatures, it can cause patrons to become very ill.

Restaurant employees should also discard glasses, plates, or utensils that are chipped or broken to prevent injuries.

Moving Forward

If you are hurt on someone else’s premises because of the property owner’s negligence, the Dante Law Firm wants to help. We know that you are dealing with so much in the aftermath of an injury and that your number one priority needs to be healing. We also know that insurance may not cover all of the accident-related expenses. When you need a premises liability attorney in Hallandale Beach, you can contact us by clicking here or calling 305-949-2526 for a free consultation.

We will work to ensure you get compensation for your medical expenses, lost income if you are unable to work, and other damages. Let us work for you so you can get back to living your life.

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