Not All Surgeons are Created Equal
We can help you find compensation for the pain that you are in. Our personal injury attorneys at Dante Law Firm in Miami are trusted experts.
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Miami Medical Malpractice Lawyer

All Serious Accidents
| Under Medical Malpractice | Posted by Dante Law Firm, P.A.
medical malpractice attorney

Not All Surgeons are Created Equal

We all have self esteem issues. We all wish we were thinner in some areas or more muscular. We do our best to eat right, exercise and drink plenty of water, but sometimes our bodies only go so far. Sometimes we need a little extra help to get the body that we truly want. This is when you turn to a plastic surgeon.

Plastic surgery can be expensive depending on the kind of surgery you elect to have. When we start to look for surgeons it can be really tempting to find a cheaper option or someone who can fit you into the schedule earlier rather than later. As we look for these surgeons we just assume that they have all the credentials because they have the title of “Dr.” We assume that they have our best interest at heart, but unfortunately some do not.

Take for example in Miami, there was a medical malpractice claim against Dr. McAdoo for negligent surgeries of the popular “Brazilian Butt Lift”. Dr. McAdoo’s practice failed to perform pre-opt visits as well as take a medical history of his patients. One plaintiff detailed that the operation room was filthy with blood spattered on walls and dirty cloths on the floor. She didn’t discover until after her surgery that the doctor did not have a proper medical license yet he was still continuing to practice.

Florida State Health Department is bringing the law suit against McAdoo’s practice due to the death of one his patients after he performed surgery. He did not comment on this case as he is under two other law suits for medical malpractice.

So What Does This All Mean?

Medical Malpractice is considered a persona injury. The main factors of concern from McAdoo’s case were that he didn’t do pre-opt visits, failed to get to know his patients’ history, and did not keep their medical rooms up to standards. If you have had surgery recently and this sounds similar to your story then do not hesitate and call us at 305-949-2526 or click here to start your free consultation.

Miami is known for their plethora of plastic surgeons. This is good because it gives patients more options a far as price and locations. But this can also lead to scummy doctors abusing their power and greedily taking your money without real consideration for your health.

Help! What Do I Do Now?

Start doing your research. Look up your doctor and ensure that they are licensed properly. Document all that you went through you and be sure to organize the documents you received to and from that institution. Just because the place looked formal and had advertisement does not mean that they are fully licensed or capable of running a legitimate service to you.

Don’t be scared. We can help you find compensation for the pain that you are in. Our personal injury attorneys at Dante Law Firm in Miami are trusted experts. We know how to thoroughly investigate and file a suit on your behalf. Call us at 305-949-2526 or click here to start your free consultation.

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