Medical Malpractice And A Post-Surgery Infection: You're Entitled To Seek Compensation
If you can prove that the surgical site infection would not have occurred had the surgeon not breached the duty of care, you are entitled to monetary compensation. Let our Miami medical malpractice attorney at the Dante Law Firm, P.A., help you prove your case and recover damages.
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Miami Medical Malpractice Lawyer

All Serious Accidents
| Under Medical Malpractice | Posted by Dante Law Firm, P.A.
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Medical Malpractice And A Post-Surgery Infection: You’re Entitled To Seek Compensation

Unless you are a surgeon or other medical professional, chances are you have little to no clue as to what really goes into performing a surgery. Your surgeon, meanwhile, is supposed to adhere to the highest standards of care when performing a surgery, and this includes reducing the risk of surgical site infections.

Did you know? Out of around 27 million surgeries that are performed in the United States each year, about 5 percent of them result in a post-surgery infection.

These disturbing statistics are not surprising considering that opening up any part of the body gives bacteria and germs a one-way ticket to enter your body and cause an infection. Surgeons are aware of that risk, which is why it is their duty to reduce the risk of their patients developing an infection at a surgical site.

“Well, that’s too late for me, because I think my most recent surgery resulted in a surgical site infection,” you may be thinking. Well, do not worry. For that reason, we invited our Miami medical malpractice attorney at the Dante Law Firm, P.A., to speak about the legal options available to you to sue the negligent surgeon and the hospital for causing you harm.

Can you sue the surgeon over a post-surgery infection?

If you believe that the surgeon or hospital’s negligence or recklessness was to blame for your surgical site infection, you may be entitled to file a medical malpractice claim and recover damages. However, not every patient who suffers a surgical site infection is entitled to compensation, as you will have to prove that the surgeon or other medical professional failed to adhere to the highest standard of care and that his/her negligence caused the infection.

If you can prove that the surgical site infection would not have occurred had the surgeon not breached the duty of care, you are entitled to monetary compensation.

Why do surgical site infections occur?

A post-surgery infection is an infection that occurs after the surgery in the part of the body where the surgery took place. Germs and bacteria from outside can easily enter your body when the natural barrier between your inner organs and skin is torn apart during the surgery.

A surgeon who adheres to the accepted standard of care will do whatever is reasonably expected of him or her in his/her circumstances to reduce the risk of infection when performing the surgery.

Such bacteria as Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and Pseudomonas are the most common types of outside germs that cause post-surgery infections. These infections can cause serious health problems if not treated properly and in a timely manner. In fact, if left untreated, these infections can spread to organ infections, which can, in turn, lead to organ failure and other life-threatening health complications.

Recovering compensation for a surgical site infection

The only thing that is standing between you and your medical malpractice compensation if you have developed a post-surgery infection is proving that the surgeon or other healthcare provider was negligent or breached the duty of care. An experienced medical malpractice attorney in Miami can help you with that.

Here at the Dante Law Firm, our best medical malpractice lawyers in Florida have successfully recovered millions of dollars in compensation on behalf of our clients in several cases involving surgical site infections. Our lawyers are not easily intimidated by hospitals with their ample financial resources and wolfish insurance companies.

We are here to fight for your rights. Improper sanitation procedures, the use of inadequately sanitized medical tools and instruments, and operating in an unsanitary environment are the most common causes of post-surgery infections. Let our Miami medical malpractice attorney at the Dante Law Firm, P.A., help you prove your case and recover damages. Call our offices at 305-949-2526 or complete this contact form to get a free consultation.

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