Plywood Flies Off Truck, Slices Into Windshield
You believe that someone else’s negligence caused your car accident and injuries, you should seek legal assistance. Our car accident attorney in miramar at Dante Law Firm, P.A. will be by your side, working tirelessly to secure the compensation you need.
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DANTE LAW FIRMP.A.1911 NE 164th St North Miami Beach,FL33162

Miramar Lawyer

All Serious Accidents

Oct 19, 2018
Car Accident Attorney Miramar
Plywood Flies Off Truck, Slices Into Windshield
When you head out in your vehicle for your day, we know that getting into an accident is the last thing on your mind. Sure, you know it could happen, but you do everything you can to drive safely. Unfortunately, you cannot control other driver’s behavior. Sometimes, their negligence is what can cause you harm. […]
Jul 21, 2018
Truck Accident Attorney
14 Tricks And Secrets To Recover Damages After A Florida Truck Accident Only Lawyers Know About
Truck accidents are not only the most devastating type of motor vehicle accidents in Florida, but also the most confusing as it often involves multiple liable parties. While filing a personal injury lawsuit against multiple parties means a larger settlement amount, it also means more lawyers and more headache. Needless to say, the severity of […]
Apr 20, 2018
slip and fall accident
Can Stores And Property Owners Refuse To Show Slip And Fall Surveillance Footage?
Slip and fall injuries account for more than 1.2 million visits to hospital emergency room every year, while stores are one of the most common places where such accidents occur in Florida. Florida’s premises liability laws oblige store owners and all other owners of property to ensure a safe environment for their visitors and customers. […]
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