What Will Happen to My Personal Injury Case During COVID-19? - Dante Law Firm, P.A.
While you can’t do anything about the pandemic, you can focus on working closely with your attorney while still remaining physically distant. That way you’ll know where your case is at in the court system, and you won’t feel like you’re left out of the loop. With some planning and understanding, COVID-19 doesn’t have to derail the progress of your court case. Here are some of the main things to consider.
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Accident during Covid-19 - Dante Law Firm

What Will Happen to My Personal Injury Case During COVID-19?

With the coronavirus closing down all kind of businesses, including some courtrooms, you may be wondering what’s going to happen to the case your personal injury lawyer is handling for you. Additionally, there will still be accidents and other injuries like slip and falls, even though there are fewer cars on the road and not as many people going to work each day. So attorneys who handle slip and fall cases and car accident issues will still have to keep working on their current cases, as well as new ones. Still, there could be some changes to the way things are handled in personal injury cases, and that could mean possible delays in some of them.

It’s important to be prepared, and to keep in touch with your attorney so you don’t have any additional stress. Having an open court case is often enough of a concern, and you don’t want anything to make it more complicated. While you can’t do anything about the pandemic, you can focus on working closely with your attorney while still remaining physically distant. That way you’ll know where your case is at in the court system, and you won’t feel like you’re left out of the loop. With some planning and understanding, COVID-19 doesn’t have to derail the progress of your court case. Here are some of the main things to consider.

What Does the Pandemic Mean for Your Court Case?

Overall, you shouldn’t have to worry too much about what will happen to your court case. Your personal injury or car accident lawyer can give you specific details, but most court proceedings are moving ahead as planned. Social distancing rules may affect exactly how the proceedings move ahead, but these rules generally won’t stop the forward movement of cases. The courts aren’t officially shut down, and they can operate through videoconferencing and other options.

That can give you some peace of mind, knowing that your court case probably won’t be slowed down. You can get resolution to your case in a reasonable period of time, whether you had a slip and fall accident or are working with an attorney on another kind of personal injury case. Then you’ll know whether you’ve won your case or will be offered a settlement or other compensation, so you can finish up with the court and move forward with your life. 

Will Florida Courts Be Ready to Hear Your Case?

If you have a personal injury lawyer in Florida, you should know that they’re working hard to make sure your case can proceed as planned. You won’t have to worry about what’s going to happen with your case, or if you’re just going to spend time waiting for it to proceed. A lot of people are afraid their cases will be paused, perhaps indefinitely, due to the pandemic. But that’s simply not the case. Your personal injury lawyer can give you the information you’ll need about your case’s specifics, but you should know that most attorneys are working remotely to keep their cases moving forward.

You can reach out to your personal injury attorney to find out whether there are delays in your particular case, or what kind of plans they have to proceed with your case, that way you and your attorney can keep working on a resolution. Florida courts are open, even though they might have a modified schedule and a different way of moving forward. Depending on fluctuations in case counts and other markers of COVID-19, the courts may be closed to the public, may conduct business over video instead of in person, and could find other work-around options to hear and resolve cases.

Can an Accident Claim Still be Filed During This Time?

You can still file an accident claim in Florida during this time. By reaching out to a personal injury lawyer, you can find out whether you have a case to pursue and what the best way forward would be. Your meetings with an attorney will be over the phone or via video in the majority of cases, to help enforce social distancing rules. But that doesn’t mean you can’t convey the information needed, or send and receive documents, evidence, and any other items that have to do with your case.

Your claim can be heard, assessed, and responded to, all while you stay physically distant from your attorney and the other parties to the accident. Although COVID-19 is a serious health risk, you shouldn’t forego important medical treatment or examinations that may be needed for your case. Work with your attorney and medical professionals to find the best way forward with your case. Then you can be sure to get the treatment you need while your car accident attorney or other personal injury attorney works with all insurance companies to move your case toward a positive resolution.

Don’t Put Your Case on Hold — It’s Important

It’s important that you don’t put your case on hold, due to the pandemic. It could be tempting to just decide to wait to file, or wait to get treatment for any injuries you might have sustained. But by working with a personal injury lawyer or slip and fall accident lawyer, you have the opportunity to get started on your case rather than continue to wait. Even if you’re not sure how much headway you and your attorney can make during this time, there’s no reason not to begin.

With the courts still open and finding ways to address and resolve cases during COVID-19, your attorney can facilitate the interactions needed between you and the court system — as well as the other parties to the case — even if you can’t physically work with anyone else. In short, you don’t want to risk statute of limitation issues, more severe injuries, or a problem that doesn’t heal or doesn’t receive fair and just compensation. Even if you’re trying to avoid everything but essential trips or interactions, a personal injury case is essential and can be handled with safety and security to enforce social distancing.

The Dante Law Firm is dedicated to helping injured accident survivors obtain justice. We offer remote services during the Coronavirus outbreak to help answer your questions and review your legal options. We believe in justice for all. That is why we offer free consultations and reviews from the start. 

Best of all, we don’t get paid until you do. 

24 hours / 7 days
We Must Win or You Pay Nothing!



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