Is Delayed Onset of Pain Real?
There’s so much to worry about in the aftermath, including exchanging information, seeking medical care, and notifying the insurance company of the crash. If you have suffered any type of injury in a Hollywood car accident you need to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney.
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Miami Hollywood Personal Injury Lawyer

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| Under Hollywood, Personal Injury | Posted by Dante Law Firm, P.A.
Personal Injury Law

Is Delayed Onset of Pain Real?

Finding yourself in the middle of a car, truck, or motorcycle accident is never easy. There’s so much to worry about in the aftermath, including exchanging information, seeking medical care, and notifying the insurance company of the crash. You can add delayed onset of pain to the list of things to worry about after an accident. So, is delayed onset of pain real? Our Hollywood personal injury attorney would like to discuss how delayed onset of pain can present itself following a car crash.

Seek Medical Attention Immediately

One of the best things you can do for yourself when involved in an accident is to seek medical attention immediately. Even if you think you haven’t been injured you should let the responding firefighters and EMTs evaluate you. They might notice something you haven’t because of the adrenaline running through your body. If they recommend that you be taken to the hospital as a precaution you should go in an ambulance. Taking these precautions will aid any case you wish to bring against the at-fault driver for injuries that present themselves at a later time.

Adrenaline Masks the Pain

The adrenaline your body produces following a stressful situation will mask any pain you might have at the time unless it is severe. For example, if there is adrenaline running through your body you might not feel any pain your leg or neck. It might be a low amount of pain but it can still be hidden by the adrenaline.

Once the adrenaline begins to wear down you will begin to feel the pain caused by the accident. This is a big reason why many firefighters and EMTs will encourage accident victims to get evaluated at the hospital. By the time you arrive and are seen by a doctor the adrenaline will have lessened and you might be experiencing pain.

Why Pain Can be Delayed

Even if the adrenaline wears off there still might be a delay in feeling any pain. One reason for this is that if the injuries are to your soft tissues or other muscles it might take anywhere from 12 hours to a couple of days to present itself. It is the same circumstances as if you exercise too much or even hurt yourself exercising, you might not feel the strain or pain in your muscles for a couple of days.

Document Your Pain

Should pain develop days after seeking a medical evaluation at the hospital or your family physician you should document the pain you are feeling. Write down what is bothering you and the level of pain. Try to get to a doctor as soon as you can once the pain arrives so that you can have x-rays and other tests performed to find where the injury is located and see how serious it is.

Contact an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

If you have suffered any type of injury in a Hollywood car accident you need to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney. All of your questions about filing a claim against the at-fault driver can be answered by the Dante Law Firm, P.A. Call the office to schedule a free consultation at 305-949-2526 today.

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