Five Common Causes of Wrongful Deaths in Florida
If you recently experienced the death of a loved one due to negligence, you are likely in a deep state of mourning or grief. For a free case evaluation, give a call to North Miami Beach wrongful death attorney at 305-949-2526.
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| Under Wrongful Death Accidents | Posted by Dante Law Firm, P.A.
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Five Common Causes of Wrongful Deaths in Florida

In this life, there are few things harder than dealing with the death of a loved one. Their missing presence lingers in memories, daily activities, and special occasions. Their loss adds stress to all aspects of life, including financial aspects. This is especially true if the decedent was the primary earner of the family. After a loss, you may be wishing that your loved one would return.

The loss can be hard to accept, but knowing that their death was caused by someone else’s negligence makes it that much worse. A wrongful death can occur in many different ways. This article will examine some of the most common causes of a wrongful death. However, if you recently lost a loved one, you should consider contacting a North Miami Beach wrongful death attorney to discuss your situation on an individual level.

Common Wrongful Death Causes

Losing a loved one should never be normalized. Unfortunately, other’s negligence have caused so many deaths in Florida and nationwide that common wrongful death causes are arising. Before we look at the common wrongful death causes, you should be familiar with who can pursue a wrongful death claim. A spouse, parent, or child of the deceased can pursue a wrongful death. In some cases, less immediate relatives can serve as a representative of the deceased.

Now, the following are some of the most common causes of wrongful deaths in Florida:

Car Crash Causes

Out of all the causes, it is safe to say that wrongful deaths involving a car accident is the most common. A wrongful death can arise from a car accident in many forms. Negligent drivers could fail to adhere to traffic laws, be under the influence of illicit substances, or be distracted by a device.

Criminality Causes

Wrongful death causes involving criminal activity are also common. Often, the criminal activity may not be the direct cause of death, but the inspiration to the death. For example, a suicide after abusive behavior could be pursued for a wrongful death.

Medical Causes

If a loved one is lost to negligent medical procedures, it is known as medical malpractice. Medical malpractice is the root for many wrongful death causes.

Commercial Vehicle Causes

Commercial vehicles, think big rigs and semis, cause devastation anytime they are involved in an accident. Negligent driving of commercial vehicles is a top cause for wrongful deaths.

Work Related Causes

Deaths that occur on the job are usually due to negligence of the employer. Such instances have become a leading cause of wrongful deaths.

The Next Step

If you recently experienced the death of a loved one due to negligence, you are likely in a deep state of mourning or grief. The last thing you need is added stress of a financial burden while the responsible party goes on with their life. You should consider reaching out to a North Miami Beach wrongful death attorney. Our attorneys at the Dante Law Firm, P.A. will handle your case with understanding and determination. For a free case evaluation, click this link or give us a call at 305-949-2526.

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