Allstate Ranked One of Worst Insurance Companies | Personal Injury Attorney
If you have been injured in a car accident in Miami, it is important to understand that the insurance companies are NOT on your side. Call an experienced Miami personal injury lawyer today to fight the Worst Insurance Companies and obtain the compensation you need. Contact the Dante Law Firm, P.A. at 1-888-920-HURT.
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Miami Personal Injury Lawyer

All Serious Accidents
| Under Personal Injury | Posted by Dante Law Firm, P.A.
Worst Insurance Companies

Allstate Ranked One of Worst Insurance Companies

When the American Association of Justice (AAJ) reviewed the top insurance companies in America, they found that most of them were guilty of bad faith practices and routinely denying claims for their consumers. Yet some were so bad, that the AAJ made a list of the worst insurance companies in America. Topping that list–was Allstate.

Although the insurance giant claims to put its customers in “good hands”, nothing could be farther from the truth. Allstate routinely places a higher importance on making a profit–rather than on protecting their policyholders. Adjusters were even instructed to lie to policyholders about their policies and agents often rewarded for engaging in unscrupulous behavior. They also put together corporate manuals that were designed to encourage and teach new adjusters how to evade payments and deny consumer claims. The adjusters who denied the most claims were often rewarded with gifts and bonuses.

Sadly, Allstate is not alone in their practices. Insurance companies make a profit by routinely denying claims and delaying payments. As such, they often adopt a “take it or leave it” approach with their policyholders and routinely offer low-ball settlements. When the AAJ ranked the worst insurance companies in America, they found the following bad insurance companies:

  1. Allstate

  2. Unum

  3. AIG

  4. State Farm

  5. Conseco

  6. WellPoint

  7. Farmers

  8. UnitedHealth

  9. Torchmark

  10. Liberty Mutual

At The Dante Law Firm, P.A., we know how devious and unscrupulous insurance companies can really be. That’s why we fight insurance companies aggressively and work diligently to ensure that our clients receive the maximum compensation for their accidents–and injuries. With a Miami personal injury attorney on your side you can obtain 40% greater injury settlements.

If you have been injured in a car accident in Miami, it is important to understand that the insurance companies are NOT on your side. Call an experienced Miami personal injury lawyer today to fight the insurance companies and obtain the compensation you need.

Contact Miami Car Accident Lawyer if you or someone you love has suffered any type of injury in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, or anywhere in the State of Florida, you need an experienced Miami Car Accident Lawyer on your side. Contact the Dante Law Firm, P.A. to learn more about all of your legal options. Call us at 1-888-920-HURT or 305-949-2526 today to discuss your case.

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