10 Questions to Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer Before Hiring - Dante Law Firm, P.A.
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Miami Personal Injury Lawyer

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| Under Personal Injury | Posted by Dante Law Firm, P.A.
questions to ask a personal injury lawyer

10 Questions to Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer Before Hiring

You never thought it would happen to you. You or a loved one is injured. You aren’t sure if you can work. What do you need to do next?

We understand where you are coming from if you have suffered an injury. We also know what you should do. You need to speak to a personal injury lawyer.

Personal injury lawyers can be your best advocate in getting you the medical and rehabilitative care you deserve.

More important, they can help you understand your legal rights if you have been in an accident.

They can have private investigations done because many have investigators they work with. Personal injury lawyers can better assess your true overall damages.

You may be worried about one thing such as when you can go back to work. A personal injury lawyer can assess what your real loss is from lost earnings and long-term health effects.

But there is something you need to do before you hire a personal injury lawyer. You need to know what questions to ask a personal injury lawyer before you hire them.

We are going to help you with what questions are important to ask. So you can get the best legal representation possible.

Questions to Ask a Lawyer

You have rights as an injured party. Whether you were injured by another person, in a medical facility, or in a car it doesn’t matter.

No matter how the debilitating injury occurred, you are suffering the health consequences.

Now is the time to get a personal injury lawyer to help you understand what you need to do next. 

We are exemplary personal injury lawyers who provide information for all those who may need personal injury legal advice.

What’s more, we provide this information to you through our well-respected blog free of charge.

We want you to learn about questions you need to ask any personal injury attorney when you need legal help. It is important you make sure they are the right lawyer for you.

Some Questions to Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer Before Hiring Them

  1. What kind of cases does the lawyer deal with every day? Even personal injury lawyers can practice in a little bit of everything. Find out what kind of personal injury cases they handled. 
    • If you need a medical suit brought against your surgeon and hospital, you need your attorney to have some practice with that.
    • You may not need a personal injury lawyer who works mostly offshore injury work-related claims.
  2. Will other attorneys work on the case with them? It is important to know who you will be dealing with and meet them.
    • Find out what services they provide your attorney so you can feel comfortable with the legal process.
  3. How long will your case last? Every personal injury case is different and no attorney can give you a hard and fast time frame.
    • But the attorney can give you a reference of time in general terms.
    • You want to know what kind of general timeline you are looking at when you are fighting for your rights.
  4. Does the attorney work on a contingency basis? This is a very important piece of information to have. It lets you know if you owe anything upfront to your attorney for his time and legal efforts on your behalf.
    • You need to know if your attorney will take a percentage from any settlement or successful result you get for your legal case.
  5. Ask for references. Many people when visiting any attorney will feel they cannot ask for references. You can ask for references.
    • You can ask them for information about successful cases they have handled in the past. Sometimes the successful cases and references are one and the same.

Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

Hiring a personal injury lawyer is never an easy thing to do. You know you have the right to receive compensation for your injuries.

You know you need help in getting further medical and rehabilitation care. But you keep hesitating when it comes time to hire a personal injury lawyer for your case.

Don’t hesitate one more day. We have the questions you should ask so you feel comfortable and ready to start getting the help you deserve.

More Questions to Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer Before Hiring Them

The questions below are to assist you or a loved one start moving towards a healthy future with excellent legal representation.

  1. Find out about something you need to know specifically about your case? 
    • For instance, you want to know if no one was blamed for your injury do you still have a personal injury case?
    • You cannot find out anything from your personal injury lawyer if you don’t ask him.
    • Ask him about a big unknowns in your case so you can start moving forward with a legal plan of action.
  2. Ask the attorney how much you need to do to help in your own legal case? Most people no matter how strong their personal injury case gets to sit and do nothing. 
  3. Ask the attorney how much your injury and damages are worth? The attorney may not be able to give you a hard and fast figure but they can give you an estimate.
  4. You are allowed to ask the attorney if they have been disciplined or sued?
    • If you find out they have been, make sure you stick around long enough to find out why and what happened.
    • Sometimes things are not what they seem. Find out the facts.
  5. If you lose your personal injury case do you have to pay for any out-of-pocket costs?
    • This is important to know because an attorney often pays some items out-of-pocket in personal injury cases, like filing fees, medical records, etc.


There is no easy way forward once you or a loved one suffers an injury, accident or accidental death.

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to hire a personal injury lawyer so you can receive the compensation and medical care you deserve.

But you need to know what questions to ask a personal injury lawyer before you ever walk in their office door.

Knowing what questions to ask a personal injury lawyer doesn’t only help you, it helps the attorney.

It allows them to learn who you are and how you are already fighting to find the best way forward. 

Don’t wait one more day to find out more about what a personal injury lawyer can provide you.

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